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1 files breach of contract claim against former employer

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2019 | Commercial Litigation |

When a valued employee declares an intention of leaving to pursue career advancement elsewhere, a company in Louisiana may choose to take measures to convince this person to stay. Should either party fail to abide by the terms of an arrangement offered under similar circumstances, the other may wish to take steps to protect his or her interests. After claiming she was denied a significant portion of her annual bonus for unjust reasons, a woman in another state has filed a breach of contract lawsuit against her former employer.

The incident reportedly began when an employee of CSX Transportation informed the company of her intention to resign. She reportedly told the company that she had decided to move out of the area and pursue career opportunities elsewhere. The woman asserts that she eventually agreed to remain with the company until the end of the year provided she would still be eligible to receive her full annual bonus.

However, upon leaving the company at the end of the year, the woman claims she only received a portion of her annual bonus. She asserts that the company unlawfully attempted to lower her annual performance rating, despite receiving positive reviews from her director. She has since accused the company of breach of contract and is seeking an unspecified amount in restitution.

Individuals who encounter a breach of contract may wish to take steps to protect their legal rights, but the process can be stressful and intimidating. Fortunately, one doesn’t have to go through this alone, and by speaking with an experienced attorney, a person in Louisiana could obtain much-needed advice on how best to handle the situation. An attorney can examine the circumstances a client is facing and assist in protecting his or her interests through the proper channels.
